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The Urban Bath

Located on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, Italy, my design intervention was Rethinking the Roman Baths. My proposal was to flood the entire site with an array of public and semi private baths that accomodated secondary and tertiary spaces for hotel and casino space. I wanted to create a civic space as an extension of the existing community.


It was addressed with sensitivity to the surrounding context (civic spaces) of the Campidoglio by Michelangelo, the Roman Forum and the street condition alongside the hill. Major paths were intervened through the site to create public circulation and represent being a monument, amongst the other nearby noteworthy sites in Rome. These places had been part of a settlement that considered itself a city.


The interstitial spaces form a multi-layered field of baths that are determined by the topographical nature of the hill (terraced baths). In addition to the smaller baths, there is a large rooftop one (in the  middle of the site) with a glass base. This bath gives views to the rest of Rome; the casino spaces are placed around the atrium of the central block.

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